How to know if Blogging is for YOU

Girl with black hair sitting at a table on her computerIs Blogging For You?

How will you know that Blogging is for you? Well, you won’t really know if it is for you until you try and see. However, there are a few ways that will give you a good idea if it is. There are some people very outspoken in their writing, and that is generally a good place to start. If you are not the kind of person that enjoys speaking about you thoughts and feeling, then Blogging might not be your call.

There are many ways that you will know if Blogging is for you. One way is asking yourself if I am a creative person? Do I enjoy allowing my imagination to soar and create the things that I see and feel?

Blogging is an awesome way to share your thoughts, hopes  and dreams and sharing them with the world.  There are so many people out there that see the world as you do, and would love to share those thoughts with you by commenting on what you post.

On the other hand, there are people who do not share your same thoughts and aspirations. And that is just fine, but don’t let that stop you. You are you, and that means that you are unique, and there is only one of you. So starting your Blog has a huge impact on your ability to write about your thoughts.

Many Bloggers think that they must be a proficient writers, but you really do not. But you do on the other hand need to be able to express your thought through your writing. When you are a Blogger, you get a good idea of what your readers responds to, and that will help you in creating future Blogs.

If you are a Beginner at Blogging, you will want to have a Blogging Platform that is easy to set up. Choose a platform that is flexible and allows you room to grow. Starting off with the wrong platform can make it very difficult to switch later. 

There are also many ways a Blogger can make money. One of them is through placing ads., on your Blog. Bloggers are paid by the number of clicks that others use while visiting their Blog. Anyone can earn money doing that.

There are other advantages that we will not cover in this Blog post. But, with the rise of social media in today’s culture, Blogging has reached it’s peek and there is no better time to start Blogging than right now. Your success will be measured by how often you Blog, and why and what you are blogging about. So stick with creating good content, and add lots of value for your audience.

There are many reasons to start a Blog. One reason, and probably the best reason is to inspire your audience. So get busy defining who your audience is, and many ways you can inspire them through your Blogging.

Being able to inspire an audience through Blogging is a satisfying accomplishment. It makes you want to do it more and more because when your audience is happy, you will be happy also. And when people began responding to your Blog posts, you connect with them in a stronger way. You also generate a portion of influence over your audience that you never dreamed possible.

So, don’t put this off.  The very first thing you need to do is get started. Below are 7 Steps to guide you on your way.

  1. Make up your mind that you want to create your Blog.
  2. Pick Your Blog A Name.
  3. Register Your Blog Online.
  4. Now Write Your Blog.
  5. Publish Your Blog.
  6. Promote Your Blog.
  7. Now Start Making Money.

If you would like to know about a course on Blogging, just complete the form and I will follow up with you.