How to Bridge the Gap of Division in our Country

The First Step to Bridging the Gap of Division in our Country

Welcome America! A place where there is enough to go around for all of us.  But instead of thinking about what your America, or should we say Country can do for you. Let’s think about what we can do for your country. Yes, I did not make this up, someone else did. Now go Google who that was, and comment me in the comments box below.

It took me awhile to understand this analagy about life. It is all about how we can make a difference in the lives of others.  We were all born with a natural gift.  Have you figured out what yours might be?  If you haven’t, I can help you with that. Let’s look at some factors to make our country a better place to live and give.


annie eure wearing red; talking about how to bridge the gap of division in this country.This should not happen in our Country:

And old lady should never cross the street in fast moving traffic alone. Where are the people who care? 

I have actually seen this happen and it was as if the driver in the on coming car got some kind of excitement or thrill out of envoking fear in the lady as she moved quickly across the street to avoid being hit. This is not America!

Then again, a man should never die alone. Have you ever thought about that?

God said, “It is not good for man to be alone”, so dying alone must be even worse than living alone.  We seem to take the simple things in life for granted, but we can turn that all around.

Today!  When you see injustice, when you see people hurting, when you see a need in your community, it becomes our responsibility to jump in and help. Will you do that?

There are more people in this country who want to do the right thing, than those who thrive on doing the wrong thing. So, keep that in mind.

That is how we can ALL began to bridge the gap in our Country, and who knows… maybe other countries will want to imitate us again!